Potchefstroom Bible Institute





Should you attend Bible School? 

The real question is why not?

Thomas Cranmer, in the Preface to the Great Bible (1540) wrote: "But still ye will say I cannot understand it. What marvel? How shouldest thou understand, if thou wilt not read, nor look upon it? Take the books into thine hands, read the whole story, and that thou understandest, keep it well in memory; that thou understandest not, read it again, and again. If thou can neither so come by it, counsel with some other that is better learned. Go to thy curate and preacher; show thyself to be desirous to know and learn, and I doubt not but God – seeing thy diligence and readiness (if no man else teach thee) – will himself vouchsafe with his Holy Spirit to illuminate thee, and to open unto thee that which was locked from thee."
Jesus commanded, “But go ye and learn what that meaneth.” 


This school is designed to minister to two different groups of believers:

1. Those interested to become further established in the word of God.
2. Those desiring to devote their lives to the full-time ministry of the word.


Homiletic Assignments

Group A
  • Romans
  • Matthew
  • Galatians-Colossians 
Group B
  • Comparative Religion/Local Church
  • John
  • Hebrews-James 
Group C
  • Church History/Manuscript Evidence
  • Genesis
  • Revelation 
Group D
  • Biblical Survey/Theology
  • 1 Corinthians
  • Acts 
2 Timothy 3: 16-17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
1st Year
  • Testimony
  • Favorite Verse Sermon
  • Miracle/Salvation Sermon 
2nd Year
  • Topical Sermon
  • Biographical Sermon
  • Expository Sermon (NT) 
3rd Year
  • Expository Sermon (OT)
  • Teaching Overview
  • Essay (assigned topic) 
4th Year
  • Oral assignments will be given as the schedule allows 
Homiletics is taught through oral and written assignments. If someone begins taking classes after the school year has started, then he or she will be expected to complete all of the first year student assignments before the end of that school year.

Rotating Curriculum

Potchefstroom Bible Institute (PBI) is an unaccredited school which works with a four-year, rotating curriculum. It is recommended that you start classes at the beginning of the school year. Due to the rotating nature of the curriculum, however, you can start classes at any time and still finish in only four years. PBI also offers a correspondence course. For more information, contact the church office using the form below or our contact page.

Course Options

Auditing Course

Completion Course

Degree Course (Bachelor of Divinity)

  • All the classes may be attended without doing any assignments or writing any exams.
  • Attendance is encouraged but is at the student's discretion. 
  • All the classes may be attended without doing any assignments or writing any exams.
  • Attendance is encouraged but is at the student's discretion. 
  • An average of 70% is necessary to pass each subject.
  • At least 75% of classes must be attended.
  • Three hours of public ministry are required during any month when classes are in session.