

Mike Fluech

Head Pastor

Mike Fluech was saved 3 August 1996 in Dallas, TX, USA. In May of 2000, he graduated from Pensacola Bible Institute in 2000 and immediately answered the call to go to the foreign field as a missionary. He, along with his family, were missionaries in Malawi, Africa from 2002-2011. Several churches and a Bible institute were left in the capable hands of men that Mike had trained when the Lord directed him to come to Potchefstroom, South Africa. By the grace of God, Mike intends to oversee the flock of God in Potchefstroom while prayerfully preparing men and women for biblical ministry in any capacity.

Mike met his Christina in 1994. They were married in May 1996. Five days after their wedding, a preacher knocked on their door and invited them to church. Both were saved shortly thereafter. They have served the Lord together ever since. They have been blessed with three wonderful children and, to date, three grandchildren: Megan, Caleb, and Amy … Chloe, Maddie, Annie.

Garrett Ceronio

Assistant Pastor

Garrett Ceronio was saved in November 2011. In time, he served as a youth leader and, eventually, a deacon, in the local church he faithfully attended in his hometown of Roodeport, Gauteng. While based in Gauteng, Garrett studied mechanical engineering in Potchefstroom. This allowed him to stay active in his local church in Roodeport and also to take advantage of spiritual opportunities in and near Potchefstroom, including becoming associated with Bible Baptist Church. After graduating, Garrett permanently relocated to Potchefstroom, allowing him to work as an engineer and to become more involved as a full-time member of Bible Baptist Church. After several years of faithful discipleship and service, Garrett answered the Lord’s call to enter into the full-time gospel ministry. In 2023, he resigned his secular vocation and has since served alongside Pastor Mike Fluech teaching, preaching, and leading the youth ministry to the glory of God.

Garrett met his wife Grace is 2016 while studying at NWU-PUK. They were married later that year. They have since faithfully served the Lord together through their local church. God has blessed them to date with three beautiful daughters: Abby, Aylah, and Kinsley.